Wednesday, May 6, 2020

P1 Unit 7 - 1069 Words

P1: Explain the principle sociological perspectives. In this assignment I will be explaining some of the different sociological perspectives in today’s society. The sociological perspectives which I will be explaining will be Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism, and interactionism, Collectivism, Postmodernism and The New Right. The first perspective which I will be explaining will be Functionalism. Functionalism is the view that our society is based onagreed norms and values. A norm is social rules that define correct behaviour in society. An example of a norm can be an individual attending school until they are the age of 18. Values are what are important to an individual and this differs in class, culture, ethnicity and gender. An example†¦show more content†¦It is more of a political view than a perspective because it is more associated with Conservative thinking. They challenge collectivism because the Conservatives believe that our welfare is important and we should be responsible for ourselves. The New Right believe that people will develop a culture where they only rely on the welfare state (benefits) rather taking responsibility for themselves. The Interactionist perspective looks at how institutions work together. They pay attention to smaller groups and how they influence individual’s behaviour and how they shape society rather thanfocusing on how much power the other groups have. The kinds of groups that Interactionist study are diverse. They can differ between teenage gangs and older people, teachers and students and patients and visitors on hospital wards. They study how these groups respond to each other to see if our behaviour is a result of how we interpret situations within smaller groups. Collectivism is another sociological perspective which is basically opposite to the New Right. They believe that everybody has a shared responsibility for each other. We have to support one another and if individuals don’t pay taxes then when you’rein need of support by the health care, the services will not support you because you didn’t help other people.They care about the wellbeing of the groups because they find that they require more attention within society. They mainly include younger children, olderShow MoreRelatedUnit 7-P1, M1 Essay examples1291 Words   |  6 PagesManchester and London’s poor areas. The EU has their own military force which member countries contribute to by sending soldiers. Amnesty International Amnesty International is a non-governmental organisation focused on human rights. It has over 7 million members and supporters around the world. The objective of the organisation is to prevent and end violations of human rights, and to gain justice for those whose rights have been violated. 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