Monday, May 18, 2020

Food Insecurity Is An Ongoing Issue All Over The World

Food insecurity is an ongoing issue all over the world; as of 2012 1 billion people are suffering from starvation and malnutrition. (Sasson, 2012, pg.1, paragraph 1) Why has food insecurity become such a problem not just locally, but globally? Olivier de Schutter, special rapporteur of the United Nations on the right to food says, â€Å"If most poor countries are still very vulnerable it is because their food security depends too much on food imports whose process are increasingly high an volatile.† (Sasson, 2012, pg. 3, Hunger: A Global Shame, paragraph 4) Food Prices are continually rising in the south of Madagascar, they were 50% higher than in any other part of Africa. People began to sell their livestock, which were considered assets, but really had no value in the case of a drought, which was an ongoing problem with rainfall below 350 mm two years in a row. In April of 2011, it was forecasted that over 6,700 children would suffer from severe malnutrition and would eve ntually die, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund’s representative, Bruno Maes. (Sasson, 2012, Food Insecurity in sub-Africa, Pg. 4, Paragraph 3) In this very remote part of Africa, known as Madagascar, it has been neglected by authorities and developing institutions and has also been hit with several sever droughts. Here, many people started taking action in sake of their own survival, but in turn it may be the cause of their struggle for hunger. They began eating seeds that were supposed toShow MoreRelatedA Global Perspective On Childhood Stunting1147 Words   |  5 PagesTraber NUTR 312: Issues in Nutrition Health 20 February 2017 A Global Perspective on Childhood Stunting Imagine being so hungry, you have to resort to extreme measures just to survive, imagine witnessing first hand, your children suffering and you can’t do anything for them, imagine living day to day in fear and not knowing whether today or tomorrow would be the last day of you or your child being alive. This is a major concern for families facing food insecurity all over the world. Everyday childrenRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hunger And Food Insecurity878 Words   |  4 PagesThe tragedy of hunger and food insecurity is the vast amount of food waste that takes places all around the country. May it be over production of food for a college or university or buying fresh fruits and veggies and letting them go bad before consumption. 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